Lobsters are interesting – and delicious – creatures. Did you know that in the colonial era, lobsters were the go-to prison food? Only the poor, indentured servants, and prisoners ate lobsters because they were cheap, too plentiful, and considered tasteless. According to 19th century Kentucky politician and social observer, John Rowan, the lobster quickly became synonymous with lower classes of society and quipped “Lobster shells about a house are looked upon as signs of poverty and degradation.” The meat was so reviled that indentured servants in one Massachusetts town successfully sued their owners to feed it to them three times a week at most. If only we could be so lucky! National Lobster Day is September 25, and in celebration of the lobster, Truluck’s gives you some interesting facts about the lobster that you perhaps didn’t know:
- Their shells were once used to make golf balls. Because they are biodegradable, the balls were designed for golfing on cruise ships or courses near oceans and lakes.
- Lobsters taste with their legs. They have chemosensory leg and feet hairs that identify food.
- Lobsters chew with their stomachs. The grinding structure for breaking up food is called the gastric mill, kind of like a set of teeth on their stomachs, which are right behind the eyes and the size of a walnut in a one-pound lobster.
- One of their claws can exert pressure of up to 100 pounds per square inch. Researchers discovered that after having the lobsters larger claw, the crusher claw, clamp down on a load cell, a pressure-measuring device. This claw looks like it has molars because its used to break up anything hard like crabs, clams, mussels. The other, called the ripper claw or the quick claw, tears softer food like fish or worms.
- Lobsters can regenerate limbs. It will take five+ years for a one-pound lobster to regenerate a claw thats about the same size of one that was lost. But they can do it.
Truluck’s invites you to delight in the many lobster items featured on their menu year round, then complement them with delicious wines by the glass and bottle.
LOBSTER BISQUE lobster morsels, horseradish goat cheese Cup 10 | Bowl 12
SOUTH AFRICAN LOBSTER TAIL the Rolls Royce of lobster. 8-10 oz. tail | 69
PETITE SOUTH AFRICAN STUFFED LOBSTER TAIL with jumbo lump blue crab cake, lemon garlic butter One 36 | Two 66
TURF & SURF* 7 oz. filet, 5 oz. South African lobster tail | 65
Truluck’s has two Dallas locations:
Uptown: 2401 McKinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75201, 214-220-2401
Southlake: 1420 Plaza Place, Southlake, TX 76092, 817-912-0500
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